Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme

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Created: Apr 27, 2018

Updated: Jul 28, 2024

ID: 68843

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Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 1Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 2Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 3Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 4Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 5Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 6Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 7Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme - Features Image 8

Addendum - Mortgage Company WordPress Theme

The need for housing is constantly growing. Users are increasingly turning to real estate companies for services of finding an apartment/house/office. Most customers begin their search on their own, having previously studied the service market on the Internet. If you work in real estate and are in search of the most suitable design for your own site, you just require a mortgage company WordPress theme.

The mortgage company WordPress theme is great for everyone who is actively involved in real estate: rent, sale, mortgage and other issues related to this area. It is designed to show on the home page the best offers in the real estate market, it is easy to manage from the office of the administrator and, of course, it is understandable in editing.

With the theme Addendum you can make the site any complexity: simple, install demo, write your data and the site is ready. Simple landing page or complex multipage site, business card or blog about real estate - create any resource, changing all settings for yourself!

Creative website about real estate with mortgage company WordPress theme

Fresh and clean, modern and functional, versatile and elegant, cool template on which you will make yourself a great real estate site.

You will find here various variants of the first screen. You can use a slider, map, or search string. By the way, the search is configured so that the visitor can easily find any information.

Convenient description of housing, information is carefully divided into blocks. The advantages and flexibility of the template are simply limitless. Addendum is one of the best minimalist templates developed for the real estate agency's online presentation. Even if you are completely unaware of programming, you will be able to build an impressive site with its help.

An intuitive designer will become your assistant in building entertaining content. In addition, dozens of bonus images will please those who do not want to look for suitable photos.

The home page of the theme is made in the form of a landing, which you can change for yourself. Here you can show your advantages, the company's performance in numbers, customer feedback - these are the best tools to help attract attention and keep new visitors.

It is very convenient that there is already a ready-made Service page. There is everything necessary and done carefully. And you can customize the display in different options, you can see them in the demo.

Ready sections will help you quickly create the necessary site structure. Each section can be duplicated or edited as you want.

What else will you find inside?

  1. Advanced and customizable search.
  2. Integrated social media buttons.
  3. Different layouts to display benefits in the choice list.
  4. Different options for displaying and filling pages.
  5. Understandable settings for filling in information for each section.
  6. Ability to use attachments (PDF, JPEG files).
  7. Convenient widgets in the sidebar (search, calculator, etc.)

This topic also managed to stand out from numerous topics for real estate agencies. If you wish, you can translate the site into several languages and thus get as many new clients as possible. Using the comment system, everyone will be able to write a couple of words about the services offered. And in order to get a more interesting design, you just need to work with background settings and images.

Fully adaptive and flexible mortgage company WordPress theme

If you have long been looking for an unusual template in which you can find all the necessary options to create an online real estate agency presentation, choose Addendum. It is set in just one click. Easy and quick setup, easy to understand documentation - all that is needed for beginners and experienced users. The site will definitely be unique, because you can use many options to personalize its appearance. In a word, if someone is in the search for a suitable template on the above topic, then you can dwell on this mortgage company WordPress theme.

Addendum certainly deserves attention. The WordPress template is for agents and real estate agencies. The theme design is focused on potential customers. You can easily create pages using the designer. Here you can connect buttons with a call to action, feedback forms, callback - all that will help you increase the conversion on the site. Work with pleasure, the theme is designed to make your work even more effective!


July 28, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

Addendum (January 16, 2024):

  • WordPress 6.4 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.18 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

Addendum (July 17 2023):

  • Elementor Page Builder 3.14 compatible;
  • WordPress 6.2 compatible.
  • Minor bugs fixed;

Addendum (January 27, 2022):

  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.5 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.9 compatible.

4 Reviews for this product

Fantastic, easy to use template! Love the simple design and elements available. Thanks!
Easy to use template and good design. Fast and reliable payment system.
I purchased this product and have already ran into a product, I was able to pinpoint what it was and support was quickly able to help me. I love this theme and am excited to fully launch my site using it.
Un template perfecto!!! una estructura muy amigable, facil de manejar y crear nuevas páginas. Elementor es excelente para la realización de cambios

2 Comments for this product

What happened to the teams sections. The old theme version had included the Cherry Teams while it was clunky, and added another plugin. At least there was a simple teams section, group, and overview. Are we able to have a similar option, and layout with the current theme version?
Hi! The updated version of the theme is built with the Jet Plugins. They include multiple widgets for various purposes. You can use the Team Member widget from the Jet Elements plugin. It gives you different settings and style options that can be changed in Elementor. If you have any questions or difficulties, please, submit a ticket in your account. We will be happy to help you :) Best regards!
Understood, I have been working with the Jet Plugins for the theme we purchased already. However, we are constantly getting errors that we cannot update the plugin without purchasing it ourselves. Is there a way we can update them, as it was Included? Also, we thought that it was an error on our install but upon reviewing the menu/header even on the live demo here. The menus when they load seem on our site, are loading the same as the demo where the sub-menu is well below the text. For example when you hover over Services the sub-menu load about 50 to 100 PX below. Whereas when you look at your other theme the Loan Trust Theme (demo.templatemonster .com/demo/68706.html) which is identical the Addendum Theme, just minor tweaks of colors, and the addition of a Team Menu, and individual pages, but the Menu's are setup to look more correct as one would expect the Addendum theme Header/Menu to load. Which makes me wonder are there any plans to bring the Get In Touch Button also found in the Head of the Loan Trust Theme to the Addendum theme? I have been trying to copy the Header layout and include the same kind of button but been unable to get it to work seamlessly as the margins on Addendum are very different. Not to mention that we've been having a lot of issue with the Responsive Menu's especially on iPhones, as it's taking up the whole screen and not clean looking. The only other wish we had was for a way to properly disable in the header the image and repeated menu page sources on the right, and then the page title. Takes up too much space, and since it is not something that can be edited easily per page, the only option is to cover it by adding a new image and adjusting the padding. Which is not ideal at all. Last question, is there any option for the Service Pages, to have a Left side Menu, instead of the menu and other fields on the right side? Thanks again, overall fairly satisfied. It's a good site theme to get you started.
Hi! Thank you for reaching out to us! Please, submit a ticket under the Downloads tab in your Template og体育首页 account. We will be happy to help you :) We will provide you with detailed instructions and screenshots for all your questions.
Hi, I would like to check if all the images shown in the demo are included in the theme for sale?

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