
Landing Page Template

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Template Description

“Landing” is a specifiс page on your site which can help you sell more. Find out the most important element of a an ideal landing page design.

A landing page is a standalone web page distinct from your main website that has been designed for a single focused objective.

Targeted promotion or product specific landing pages are focused on a single objective that matches the intent of the ad that your visitors clicked on to reach your page. Landing pages help increase conversions by having one clear call to action without distractions.

Template Features

  • Responsive Design

    Being responsive is a must these days, rest assured that your content will be delivered fully to any device, either smartphone or a PC. All essential elements of landing page templates including slider, contact form and menu are designed to be 100% responsive to fit perfectly into any possible viewport.

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility

    With an endless combination of modern and old school browsers users choose from, it’s our responsibility to develop website templates that will perform adequately in any possible browser.

  • Documentation

    Every template comes with fully-described documentation that will help you install the template in no time, as well as provide you valuable tips on customization and maintenance.

  • Bootstrap

    Bootstrap gives a lot of extras while making it easy to understand styling guides. It also comes with SASS files for all the CSS so you can easily change colors, fonts, etc.

  • Vector Icons and Web Fonts Integration

    Every template package includes a set of Font Icons that are an ideal solution for every website. Font icons are scalable vector icons that can be easily customized in color size, without losing quality.

  • TM Add-ons

    The template comes with a fully-functional search box, contact and subscription forms. In the documentation included into the template package you will find instructions on their use and customization.

Sources Available

  • .PSD;
  • .HTML;

Software Requirements

  • Adobe Photoshop CS+;
  • For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac);
  • Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++;

Note: Please check the template preview page to see the specific template requirements. The required program versions could be different from the ones listed above.

Template Structure

  • documentation” – contains screenshots of the template.
  • documentation.html” – the main documentation file.
  • screenshots” – contains screenshots of the template.
  • site” – contains the .html files of the template.
  • – “bat” – contains contact form processing .php script.
  • – “css” – contains all the .css files used in the design.
  • – “images” – contains all the images used in .html files.
  • – “js” – contains JavaScript libraries and jQuery plugins.
  • – “index.html” – main .html file.
  • sources” – contains source files.
  • – “less” – contains .css LESS files used in the template.
  • – “psd” – contains Adobe Photoshop .psd file.
  • – “info.txt” – contains information about the password protected “sources” folder.

Note: For security reasons the sources folder is in a zipped file and is password protected. To uncompress a password protected .ZIP file, you will need to have a zip file utility program installed and the correct password. As soon as the zip file begins to uncompress, you will be prompted to type in the password. The password is the ID number of your order. You can find this number on the order page following the download link sent to you via email.

Please, help us to preserve the quality and uniqueness of our products by not uploading the sources folder, either zipped or unzipped, to the server.

Best Landing Page Templates
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